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Joined: May 17, 2008
Posts: 58
Posted: Post subject: The sign of the cross |
A young man on the rez was wondering what to do with his life. Should he stay on the rez or go to the city. He asked an elder what to do. The elder said go to the city there you you might find your answer. When he arrived at the city, there was big crowd lining the street. He asked what was going on.
They said the Pope is coming. Who is the Pope, he asked? They answered," He is the most Holy man in the world. He talks to God. He is most wise." He thought maybe he can answer my question. He could not see so he climbed a tree over looking the street. The Pope road by in his Pope-mobile.
He yelled and waved at him and yelled his question. The Pope looked at him and made the sign of the cross. He later showed up back at the rez. The elder asked if he found his answer. He said yes. He told him of the Pope and his importance. I yell my question and he made a sign ( making the sign of the cross). He said get down out of that tree and go back to the rez. A-HO!
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Joined: November 30, 2008
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`The only ones that can talk to God is the the ones who have accepted the blood of the lamb that was slain,the pope would know nothing about that,because they dont believe in the lamb who was slain.
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 squinto (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
loveworks13 wrote: `The only ones that can talk to God is the the ones who have accepted the blood of the lamb that was slain,the pope would know nothing about that,because they dont believe in the lamb who was slain.
First this was a joke I got it why didn't you? Sign language!!!
Before you make a statement about religion know something about that religion first!!! Oh by the way we can all talk to God no religion has exclusive rights to him...
Blood of the lamb is Jesus!!!
Catholics believe Jesus is fully God and fully Man, with a human will and a divine will. He is the King of Cosmos, the Word of God, and the awaited Messiah of Israel. He was born of a Virgin, Mary, suffered, was crucified, truly died, and rose again bodily, all for our sins. He ascended into heaven and is still alive interceding on our behalf before the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. Jesus was a great Teacher, and His Teachings are the very Teachings of God.
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Joined: November 30, 2008
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`I didnt think it was funny
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Joined: November 30, 2008
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`Jesus is who I was referring too,he is the only intercessor.Good Day.
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 squinto (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
The word "catholic" means universal. Jesus created one universal church for all of mankind. The Catholic Church was established by Jesus with his words spoken in Matthew 16. Jesus asked his disciples "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" The disciples then offered various answers - "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." But the question that Jesus then asked was crucial: "But who do you say that I am?"
The answer provided by Simon Peter set in motion the formation of the Catholic Church by Jesus. "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." With this answer, Jesus established the Catholic Church with Simon Peter designated the first Pope.
"Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Many try to imply that it was Peter's faith on which Jesus established the Church. But closer examination of the words of Jesus reveal that the selection was of divine nature.
"For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father." His knowledge of Jesus was not the reason for Peter's confession to the true identity but it was the fact that it had been revealed to him by God. In the words of Jesus gives Peter his new name - "The Rock". A foundation on which his Church will be built.
Many separated from the Catholic Church cling to the notion that the Church was built on the faith of Peter and not him as a man as justification for their position. Unfortunately, their understanding is incorrect.
The bible is full of references to the need for respect of authority. It is also full of references for the need for unity. In one parable Jesus is explaining how he could not be of Satanic origin (Mark 3:22), "How can Satan drive out Satan?" In this parable he points out the importance of leadership. "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand." Throughout the scripture we always see - One God, One Son, One Holy Spirit, One Church.
The Church today has become a free enterprise operation. If you can access the Internet you can be ordained in some church. The reformation began a splintering of the Church - in so many words, a kingdom divided.
It is much easier to understand Peter's role of leadership by reading Acts. He is clearly the leader of the Church. One such example, there are others, is Acts 15:6 where Peter addressing the other Apostles clearly states his leadership role: "My brothers, you are well aware that from early days God made his choice among you that through my mouth..."
Around or about 45 AD, Peter went to Rome and from there lead the Catholic Church. As of today, there have been 265 Popes in direct succession to Peter. The position of Pope was established by Christ and the office has been maintained in an apostolic manner since the time of Christ. Although the Church has fragmented since the time of Christ with various leadership centers emerging, the apostolic line of succession in the Church is seated in Rome until this very day. Many throughout time have tried to rationalize away and deny the authority and structure of the Church as established by Jesus. In my heart I know that Catholic Church is the Church established by Jesus and has maintained a clear line of apostolic leadership to this very day. The Church has celebrated the sacraments and worshiped the Lord in essentially the same way since the time of Christ.
Every Church suffers occasionally because of the weaknesses of human nature. But I believe that regardless of temporary problems experienced by the Church, abandoning the Catholic Faith is not an option. Jesus was more forgiving and understanding of human nature. When Jesus was arrested Judas had betrayed Him, Peter denied him three times, and the remaining apostles ran away. If Jesus supported and anointed their apostolic role after some of their human failings, I can't imagine abandoning my faith for human shortcomings. After all, your faith is in the Church established by Jesus, not in any person involved in the Church. Of course problems in the Church must be addressed and corrected, but the faith and Church established by Jesus can never be denied.
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Posted: Post subject: |
`Loveworks13, no offense, but to say that Jesus is the only intercessor is a very arrogant not to mention ignorant comment to make. People no matter what religion or spiritual path they follow have the ability to talk to God. Whether that person calls God Allah, Yahwe(Spelling?) Jesus, Creator ect
doesn't matter. My belief is God is the same entity, no matter his/her/its name. It is unfortunate that a furom posting under the genre of humor is
now turning into a fight about religion and whose religion reigns supreme above all others. NO relgion is better than the others. THere is no right way or wrong way unless vilolence is commited against anyone in the name of God. That is when a way is wrong in my opinion. Anyway there are only
ways that are right for one person but that may not fit another. Why can
you not respect another's beliefs, even if you do not agree with them? I'm not Catholic nor do I follow any of the Judeo Chrisian ways, still i resepct a Catholic's right to beleive and worship as they do. Why not live and let live? THat being said I understand that you may not have found the joke funny, but it's not ok to go on some tirade about how unless a person has "accepted the blood of the lamb that was slain" they are not worthy and unable to talk to God. We are all worthy, and able to talk to God. Get off your high horse, and open your eyes. Kuddos Squinto. I don't that point could have been made better.
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Joined: November 30, 2008
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`no fight,no offense taken,just didnt think the joke was funny,everyone has their opinions.
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 squinto (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Let me break it down for you!!!!, The native man thought the Pope was sending him a message in sign language.. Get it!!! I'm Catholic and I took no offense..
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 thejohnblaze (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Wow is this the humor area?........I'm confused cause I laughed, then oldboy caught a tongue lashing for telling it and now we're in some religious debate which has no place in this area unless its about the pope slipping on a banana peel next but I imagine that would still get some people in a huff take a breath and have a laugh thats what we're in here for anyway right?
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Posted: Post subject: |
`Tell me about it thejohnblaze. I was confused too. But there will always be those who are looking to be offended by something. Anyway you are right
a forum based on humor is for laughing. THat is what we're all in here for. Riverotter, I thought your joke was really funny. It did make me laugh.
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 squinto (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
thejohnblaze wrote: `Wow is this the humor area?........I'm confused cause I laughed, then oldboy caught a tongue lashing for telling it and now we're in some religious debate which has no place in this area unless its about the pope slipping on a banana peel next but I imagine that would still get some people in a huff take a breath and have a laugh thats what we're in here for anyway right?
Yes it is the humor area, but someone needed to be set right on his attack on a religion..
I myself enjoyed the joke and I got it!!!Geez!! People need to go to christian passions (if there is one)if they want to quote the bible or slam other religions..
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Joined: November 30, 2008
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`I suppose you think that you are right and that is ok,but i why would you want to belong to a religion that still thinks that you need to confess to a priest in order to be forgiven of your sins,if that is the case then Jesus would not have been crucified for all our sins.How could you belong to a religion who has covered up child ation for many,many years from the top down.I like you squinto,I think you have a lot of knowledge,I did not join this site to fight with anyone.If you all want to joke about The Almighty,then that is your burden to bare.As for the other posters,I am well aware that there is only one spirit,but many different names,different people,different religions.If I offended anyone with my words,then I appologize.If the humor forum is going to joke about God,then I will stay out of it.You all have a great day.
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Posted: Post subject: |
`"Why would you want to belong to a religion that still thinks that you need to confess to a priest in order to be forgivin of your sins, if that is the case then Jesus would not have been crucified for your sins. How could you belong to a religion who has covered up child ation for many, many years from the top down." I am confused Loveworks13 by this as I believe in your other posts on this particular forum you were pretty much saying that you're a Christian by the things you were saying. Now in this last post you're asking why anyone would want to be identified as a Christian due to the issue of absolveing of sins through confession to a priest, as well as the issues with ing of children by piests. Last time I checked all of that but espeically the ing of children was only seen in the Christian faiths. THere has been no accusations of Rabbis ing children, of Buddhist preists se---lly abuseing the boys that are brought into the temples to start their religious training. It is only seen in the Christian faiths. More so in the Catholic faith, but from my understanding it's not unheard of in the other branches either. I mean no offense to any Christian people on this site but it just seems to contridict everything that you were talking about in your first posts on this subject. THe other thing that confuses me is that in your most recent post you're saying that there is only one spirit, that goes by different names for differnt people and religions yet you said earlier that Jesus was the only intercessor, and that "The only ones who can talk to God are those who have accepted the blood of the lamb that was slain." I don't know loveworks13 that comes across a tab bit hypocritcal to me. I mean you say that, then your last post states something different. Which is it? Is it that there is only one god, and that he/she/it has different names for different religions and belief systems or is it that there is only one god period and that he had a son named Jesus who came to earth and was crucified and that it is the only way? You seem to contradict yourself is all I am saying. I mean no offense just am confused. As for the joke, I'm of the thinking that God no matter his/her/its name posesses a sense of humor. Laugh or let bygones be bygones and move on. Again no disrespect meant, it's just you seemed to contradict a lot of what you said in your earlier posts is all.
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